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Students on a Break

Crafting Success
from Differences

Discover a Life Beyond the Label of ADHD/AuDHD
with coaching customized for your experience.

Neurodivergence = Disability


Living with a brain that works differently than most can feel immensely difficult.

Every day may be a reminder of struggles with:


Time Management

Task Initiation

Here's what you need to know:
You are not broken!

You just need systems that work with your brain, not against it.

Welcome to Emergent Focus!

At Emergent Focus, we're all about joining forces with neurodiverse teens, young adults, and their cheerleading squads (aka families).  Our Focus is helping teens and young adults:

💡 Discover Strengths

🛠️ Enhance Executive Function

💪 Feel Self-Empowered

🌱 Grow Independence

🎯 Harness Motivation

Light Bulb

What is Neurodiversity Affirming Coaching?

Different Minds have Different Needs

Think of our brains as supercomputers, endlessly crunching data from our senses. Each of us has a unique way of interpreting this data, shaped by our own experiences. For those of us with neurodiverse minds (hello, ADHD, ASD, AuDHD crew!), there's often this misconception that our brains should operate just like everyone else. At Emergent Focus: we start by flipping the script. We help neurodivergent minds embrace their differences.

It's like putting on a new pair of glasses and suddenly seeing ourselves, our thoughts, and our futures in new and often unexpected ways. 

With this fresh perspective we get to work, designing systems and tweaking life strategies that play to each individual's unique strengths and ways of engaging with the world. It's not just about adapting; it's about thriving on our own terms.

Mark Helsing
Certified ADHD Coach & Founder

As someone who's ridden the ADHD roller coaster through high school and college, I get the ups, downs, and loop-the-loops. Now, as a dad with two neurodivergent kids navigating those same tracks, I've been in the spectator's seat too, often wishing I could hit the brakes.

Fun Fact: 

Having ADHD doesn't make parenting an ADHD kiddo any easier —in fact, it's often like adding a loop to the coaster.

But here's the kicker: ADHD minds are sparked by passion. That spark turned into a full-blown inferno for me when I started digging into the research on how to support my kids and stumbled upon the world of coaching. It's been a game-changer for my life, and I'm here to share the playbook.

Coaching Customized for Your Life Experience

Young Adults
Parents & Families

What Exactly Does Emergent Focus Mean?

“Our life is what our thoughts make it”

Marcus Aurelius

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